Item: SO Alvarado Manufacturing Co

Vendor Note:

Minimum Order $168
All Orders Are Subject To A 40% Restock Fee
When Ordering Electrical Units Specify Fail-Lock or Fail-Safe/Fail-Lock Is Standard
Owner Free Freight Excluded From This Vendor

SO Alvarado Manufacturing Co

Vendor: Alvarado

Special Order item not in catalog - Alvarado Manufacturing Co

Notes: n/a

List: $N/A

Dealer: $N/A

Other Information
Install Hours: 0 *
Phase: n/a
Industry: n/a
Voltage: n/a
Rack Mount: No
Rack Units: 0
Bulk Wire: No
Diameter: 0
* Product install times are provided for reference purposes only. Actual install time may vary. Product install times indicate estimated time to install the product under normal conditions based on industry research and does not take into account other considerations such as travel, un-boxing, programming, commissioning, or other factors.